PicTUre Of Aung San Suu Kyi Let Me Share a Fact WiTh eVEryOne,Malaysia is the host for the 11 th ASEAN SUMMIT which is being held in Kuala Lumpur since last week i suppose,lol,not sure whEn it StaRteD!
AnywaY,apart from tHe Hot Topic of Getting Rice at a cheaper pRice FroM ThaiLand and the Joining Of India inTo The SuMMit, is The prEasure Mounted into MyaNmar By Malaysia and oTher ASEAN Countries to release AUNG SAN SUU KYI.
Her Father,GENERAL AUNG SAN,was the Man Who WorKed hard to Get freedom froM Britain.He was AssasiNated whEn Aung San Suu Kyi was 2 years old.Later She Studied in DELHI and also in the OxForD UniVersiTy wheRe she Got her Degree in Politics,Philosophy and Economics.The Thing is,Aung San Suu Kyi is workin hard to have Democracy in MYANMAR.But instead,the DicTaTored Goverment has put her under formal/home arrest for years.
Reconising her hard work,ASEAN is preasuring MYANMAR to Release her for the good sake of the future of MYANMAR.
Well,i donT think Malaysia is Eligible to preasure MYANMAR,as it itself has ISA (internal security act) which can put anyone into jail without any reason,all it needs is a nod from the Prime Minister or The Member of The Cabinet.
Dont you think againts basic Human Rights??